Once you’ve decided to get a new phone, don’t just stick your old handset in a drawer and forget about it. If it’s still in good working order, you might want to give it to a friend or relative or sell it to an official refurbisher like UPGREAT. Just make sure you transfer all your data across to your new device and then do a factory reset on your old handset before giving it to someone else.
If it no longer works, there are still loads of great options. From recycling or donating it, to trading it in to get money off your new phone, there are plenty of ways you can use your old handset to benefit you, someone else or the environment.
Sell your old phone
Sell your old device to UPGREAT, and they will pay you by bank transfer in duration of 48 hours.
You can Bring your used but working tablet, phone or computer to Physical stores or you can use the online device repurchase option. Online trade-in is very simple, all you have to do is to follow 4 easy steps shown in online trade-in system: UPGREAT Device repurchase
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